• Build The Team You Need,

    In Real-Time


    Our à la carte market offering consists of both Personal and Professional Development topics. Every course is a 1 hour, one-on-one video conference that can be scheduled immediately to support urgent matters.


    Available 24 hours a day so you can get the help you need in Real-Time

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    Performance Reviews

    Delivering criticisms can be difficult and even confrontational if not done properly. Far better outcomes occur when you can offer the proper help. Allow your employees the ability to develop skills or polish areas in need of practice and witness new levels of company pride.


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    Promotion and Delegation

    With power comes responsibility. Help your employees fine tune the appropriate skillls needed to succeed in new roles, promotions, cross-training requirements and a variety of other areas to support their new respponsibilities. Education is always the best tool for the job.


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    Workplace Culture

    You are now easily capable of improving the skills of each memer of your team. We all have unique needs and now each member of your department can get the training and support that suits them. Build an all-star lineup by giving them the gift of Real-Time.